Sunshine Award 2011

Friday, October 21, 2011
 Thank you so much to Bee of Before I turn 25 for giving me this blog award.

Below are the rules:
  1. Thank the person who gave you this award and write a post about it.
  2. Answer the following questions.
  3. Pass it to 10 fabulous bloggers and send them a message to let them know.
Here are the questions:

Favourite Colour: Purple and pink 
Favourite Animal: Pandas and dogs
                        Panda photo from Area755                            This is Aya, our Siberian Husky

Favourite Number: 13 (This has been my lucky number since grade school.)
Favourite Drink: Milk tea, coffee and fruit juices
Facebook or Twitter: Facebook
Your Passion: Writing, photography and singing
Giving or getting presents: Both ;)
Favourite Pattern: None in particular.
Favourite Day: Saturday and Sunday
Favourite flowers: Tullips

Photo from
Since I still don't have a lot of blogger friends, I'm only passing this award to 4 lovely bloggers:
  1. [pinkc00kies] of Munchy Crunchy
  2. Diana of The Happy Camper
  3. Dhemz of Savour D' Flavour
  4. Blushbaby


  1. glad to know some facts about you Sumi...thanks for sharing...will grab this award for sure....:)

  2. Sodium Erythorbate *nom nom nom nom*October 30, 2011 at 11:22 PM

    Nice tongue.

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  5. I love that you are passionate about writing and photography.


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