Why Reception Food Is Ideal for a Summer Wedding
Traditionally, June is the month of weddings because the weather has turned warm and sunny, but not too hot that everyone swelters in their formal attire. However, as the weather is a bit warmer, you don’t want to have a huge sit-down affair for your wedding celebration dinner as it might just put everyone to sleep with no energy left for dancing.
Reception foods make the perfect alternative, and here are some examples of what types to offer and why they are ideal for a summer wedding.

Not only in June, but throughout summer months you will find that most caterers are booked at or above capacity. There are weddings, yes, but also celebrations for graduating students. And with so many people taking their annual holiday during the summer, catering staff may be at a minimum whilst events are at an all-time high.

According to ukweddingsavings.co.uk, it is imperative to book caterers and venues well in advance, especially during the summer. If you book too late you may find that the caterers and venues of your choice are already booked and all others are booked as well. Because of this, caterers can literally name their price which won’t be cheap.
In the cooler months of the year, many wedding receptions are held indoors at local venues or church halls. There often isn’t much room for mingling about and this is why summer wedding celebrations are so much fun.

Whether held outdoors or in a venue where people can freely move in and out to the patio, guests just don’t want to sit still for any length of time. Tea sandwiches and hors d'oeuvre are ideally suited as guests can quickly grab a nibble on their way past an hors d'oeuvre table whilst making their way through the crowds.
Another great idea for reception foods during summer months would be trays of fresh local produce and dips to accompany them. Not only are these amazingly popular with local guests, but this is also a way for family and friends visiting from afar to sample local delicacies. Fruits and veggies with dips are light and easy to eat whilst mulling about and just what is needed to take the edge off hunger while waiting for the bride and groom to make their grand entry as husband and wife.

Whether you are looking to save money on a formal sit-down affair or are simply trying to make the celebration a bit less formal, reception foods for a summer wedding are the perfect choice. From little tidbits that can be quickly devoured, you can choose delicious finger foods that can be eaten and enjoyed without being ‘tied’ to a table with assigned seating charts. Summer weddings do allow for the greatest freedoms in foods, venues and even honeymoon locations. This is a celebration to be enjoyed by all and that includes you, so have fun planning.
Reception foods make the perfect alternative, and here are some examples of what types to offer and why they are ideal for a summer wedding.

Photo source: www.theknot.com |
Caterers Booked to Capacity
Not only in June, but throughout summer months you will find that most caterers are booked at or above capacity. There are weddings, yes, but also celebrations for graduating students. And with so many people taking their annual holiday during the summer, catering staff may be at a minimum whilst events are at an all-time high.

Photo source: www.bellethemagazine.com |
According to ukweddingsavings.co.uk, it is imperative to book caterers and venues well in advance, especially during the summer. If you book too late you may find that the caterers and venues of your choice are already booked and all others are booked as well. Because of this, caterers can literally name their price which won’t be cheap.
Light Finger Foods Perfectly Suited to Summer Weddings
In the cooler months of the year, many wedding receptions are held indoors at local venues or church halls. There often isn’t much room for mingling about and this is why summer wedding celebrations are so much fun.

Photo source: www.indiancatering.sg |
Whether held outdoors or in a venue where people can freely move in and out to the patio, guests just don’t want to sit still for any length of time. Tea sandwiches and hors d'oeuvre are ideally suited as guests can quickly grab a nibble on their way past an hors d'oeuvre table whilst making their way through the crowds.
Seasonal Fruits and Vegetables
Another great idea for reception foods during summer months would be trays of fresh local produce and dips to accompany them. Not only are these amazingly popular with local guests, but this is also a way for family and friends visiting from afar to sample local delicacies. Fruits and veggies with dips are light and easy to eat whilst mulling about and just what is needed to take the edge off hunger while waiting for the bride and groom to make their grand entry as husband and wife.

Photo source: www.yegwed.com |
Whether you are looking to save money on a formal sit-down affair or are simply trying to make the celebration a bit less formal, reception foods for a summer wedding are the perfect choice. From little tidbits that can be quickly devoured, you can choose delicious finger foods that can be eaten and enjoyed without being ‘tied’ to a table with assigned seating charts. Summer weddings do allow for the greatest freedoms in foods, venues and even honeymoon locations. This is a celebration to be enjoyed by all and that includes you, so have fun planning.
I'm actually quite worried since I'm planning my wedding on a September and it'll be a beach-themed one. I was looking forward to doing just finger/light food since it'll be a sunrise wedding hence breakfast. I wish the weather will cooperate and I hope food preferences will still be timely for the season. As much as summer would definitely be an ideal sched for a beach wedding... September kasi is our birthday so kinda wanna make it a serendipity/destiny-ish kind of thing. LOL xD
Thanks for this information on food at wedding. Couple of months ago, I arranged my brother’s wedding at one of lovely Malibu wedding venues. Hired an expert wedding caterer and arranged delicious food for my guests.